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As I sat, Friday, barely breathing, thinking about my daughter and all my daughters and sisters and mother and our broken hearts, I looked down and I saw moss.  Moss thrives on abandoned, barren rock. There is barely a crumb of nourishment yet it grows and thrives and transforms the grey, unforgiving rock with its living, thriving verdant green. It spreads its roots with abandon, gripping tenaciously as it transforms lifelessness into beauty. You find it clinging to downed trees or dead roots or cracked concrete or vacant lots.  It stakes its claim on death and persists.  The boulder we are faced with today is enormous. It is cold and dark and full of jagged edges and precipitous overhangs. That tiny voice inside me reminds me that we can be that moss, clinging on for dear life, persistent in its roots, verdant in its beauty. It tells me that we are the colonizers when life seems hopeless, when we are abandoned and left to rot. We too can transform death into life. We can recla
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Mother of the Tumbleweed

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Mother of Soothing Souls

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O Great Destructor

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Mother of Abundance

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Dear Luna of the Heart, my very own Dream Wisdom, Holy Darkness between wake and wake, show me The Way. Light the path through the wilderness with your glowing wand of truth. Allow me to see the Round Face of God brought to me in moments, in riddles, in adventures abundant. Bring to me what I need to know, for tonight, that food of knowledge and deep knowing only your Mother Eye knows. And carry me safely into the morning sun, as with gratitude I wake into your holy sunshine ways.

artist prayer

Creator of all, universe of the soul, thank you for my breath and for my creative spirit. Guide me through synchronicity, through darkness, through mystery when I struggle on my path. Soothe my ego and support my soul. Allow me to rest in your bounty and remind me I am loved and I am love. Bring me closer to you even as I resist, show me your creation face and fuel me for my journey to become closer to myself, closer to you.